Become Dementia Aware
Becoming dementia aware could not be simpler. One of our aims at the Wrexham Dementia Action Alliance is to create a dementia-friendly environment in and around Wrexham and eventually North-Wales.
A great way to becoming dementia aware is by getting in touch and requesting one of our posters, talks, a visit or by following the useful links (available soon).
As with all good causes and work that does not pay we are always thankful to all that help us to achieve our goals in any way they can. We also welcome new volunteers to join our alliance who have a passion to creating dementia-friendly environments. If you would like to get involved and spread the word of what we, and the Purple Angel are doing, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Anita Moran, the founder of the WDAA is currently holding talk presentations within primary schools in the local area. Anita really enjoys doing this work, but with also working full-time we are looking for volunteers who may wish to contact schools and perform their own talks. The WDAA have a prepared talk and we can even edit these to be personalised to meet each school's needs. Do you have a hidden talent or teaching experience?
The WDAA are proud of their achievements so far with getting local businesses and organisations on board with the Purple Angel and raising the awareness of dementia. We do however require more businesses to become dementia aware to help those who may be affected and visit our shops, restaurants, organisations and use local transport etc. Again, if you or if you know any business, big or small that may benefit from becoming dementia aware, please get in contact. Alternatively you can ask for posters and raise awareness yourself.
Although we don’t like asking for monetary aid we understand that it is important to help in all that we do. If you wish to donate to the Purple Angel so your money goes to a dementia related please follow the bellow link. Thank you in advance on behalf of the Wrexham Dementia Action Alliance