Shops & Businesses
Our main ongoing project is to raise awareness in shops and businesses that may have custom or contact with carers or people with dementia. Our aim is to create dementia-friendly environments so these people can enter the shop / business with the knowledge that staff are dementia aware. This is done with our poster and sticker campaign.
Larger Organisations
Although our main purpose is to target shops and public places carers and people living with dementia may visit; we have recognised the importance of including larger organisations to help spread the message. Pendine Park Care Organisation has been a great help so far and we look forward to many other large organisations spreading our mission. If you know of any organisation that may wish to join us please contact Chris Hodge or Anita Moran via our contact form.
School Aware
Anita Moran is currently leading the way into making school students' dementia aware in form of a talk. These have been a huge success so far as we've found children carry the message home to parents. We would perhaps be looking for volunteers to help with this project. Evidently a clean DBS / CRB will need to be presented if appointed.
The WDAA have teamed up with the Brymbo cadets to help raise the awareness of dementia in young adults. Although waiting for this project to develop we all have high ambitions of what we can do for each other.
Recently Anita and members of staff from Pendine Park met with council members to discuss plans of making Wrexham dementia aware. We are hoping to have wonderful news from this project soon.
Yes, you can also play a huge part in any of our projects and we are certainly looking for likeminded individuals to help spread dementia awareness around Wrexham or further.
Do you think you could spare any time for our campaign and make the local area dementia-friendly?
Please get in touch via the contact form.